St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
121 N. Spring Street, Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-4651
Worship with us
Sunday 10:00 AM - Holy Communion
Taped audio Sunday 11:00 AM at

Informs the members of the congregation of church related events and happenings via The Key newsletter, techological media such as email and our web site, newspaper and bulletin inserts.
Ensures all equipment such as computers, telephones, audio-visual and sound systems provide the congregation an adequate means of dissementating information.
Provides the vehicles which enables leadship to better communicate to the congregation

Leads the congregation in witnessing the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who are active and inactive members of the congregation.
The Evangelism committee supports the development of the members and leads the efforts to increase the membership of the congregation.
Provides a system for identifying and reaching out to members of the congregation to foster involvement and to welcome new members into the family of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Fellowship committee conducts and supervises all events such as funeral luncheons, receptions, meals and other scheduled events.
Once a month, along with other churches in the community, the fellowship committee provides a dinner open to the congregation and the community.
Coordinates and plans events in Luther Hall and the church's facilities.

The heritage of St. Peter’s is kept alive by the Historical Committee. Our vibrant history extends back to the 18th century which the Historical Committee collects, manages, preserves, and stores our church historical collection. The Committee conducts tours of the old Kierch and maintains amps of the gravesites in God’s Acre, the graveyard adjacent to the Kierch.

The St.Peter’s property committee provides for the maintenance and improvement of all the real and personal property of the congregation.
The committee offers the equipment and materials necessary creating a fellowship environment maintaining the facilities and grounds.
Additionally the committee leads the scheduled maintenance and replacement of property and equipment.

Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Committee’s mission is to lead the congregation’s efforts to address the social, economic, and emotional needs of people both within the congregation and in the community at large.
The committee consists of at least four members of the congregation, including a representative elected by the congregation. It meets monthly, as needed, as well as for special meetings mutually agreeable to the committee members. Those serving also serve on subcommittees such as: Meals on Wheels, Thrift Store, Women of St. Peter’s, Stephen Ministries, Sewing Circle, LWR, Food Pantry, Malaria Campaign, Refugee Resettlement, Frey Village. Efforts, recommendations, and accomplishments are reported to the Congregation Council and at Congregational Meetings.
Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) creating awareness of needs of people in the community and globally, conducting programs that support ELCA and Lower Susquehanna Synod and community campaigns, and developing opportunities for congregational members to offer their time and abilities in social ministry efforts.

Provides an ongoing year-round program of stewardship education inviting all members of the congregation to participate according to their means in the financial support of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Encourages planned giving and challenges all members to provide their time and talents in support of the work of the church.

Worship and Music
The Worship and Music committee in concert with the pastor provides for worship.
Worship and Music assists in planning for all regular and special worship services.
The committee also recruits and trains lay persons to serve as worship leaders, cantors, lectors, assisting ministers, acolytes, ushers, lectors, greeters and nursery leaders.
The largest of St. Peter'’s leadership committee’s consists of many facets related to the worship experience at St. Peter'’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The Altar Guild prepares and maintains our sanctuary for regular Sunday worship services, weddings and funeral services.
Ushers assist parishioners during Worship services distributing bulletins and escorting to seats.
Many children serve as Acolytes participating in the Worship service entry and exit procession, Gospel reading, children’s sermon and Communion.
A Lector proclaims the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word from the lectionary.
Communion Assistants provide for administering the sacraments of Holy Communion.
Assisting Ministers lead during the Worship service; helping the pastor before, with communion preparation and distribution; leading prayers and proclaiming the Word of God.

Outreach and Support
In addition to the elected, committee leadership roles of the congregation council, many other activities are available for a member to provide his/her time and talent. The following list is demonstrative of the numerous ways to serve St. Peter's.
Please contact any council member or professional staff with your interest in serving.
Mutual Ministry
Audit and Financial
Yokefellowship Prison Ministries
Stephen's Ministers