St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
121 N. Spring Street, Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-4651
Worship with us
Sunday 10:00 AM - Holy Communion
Taped audio Sunday 11:00 AM at

Welcome in love to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We affirm that we are a community of faith empowered by God through Word and Sacrament.
We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, who sends us into the world to share God’s love through our words and actions. Although we are a community shaped by diverse traditions and welcoming to all people, we affirm one Lord who is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and one Faith, that brings all people together.
At St. Peter’s Lutheran Church we celebrate that Christ has made us one body with many members, all receiving God’s grace and unconditional love. In response, we share God’s grace and unconditional love with all people. All people are welcomed, invited, and affirmed here. Everyone is of great importance in our life together.
As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we welcome and invite all of God’s people regardless of age, race, ethnicity, physical or mental abilities, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or economic status.
We believe all people are unique and valued individuals created by God and loved by God. We joyfully welcome you to join us in worship, prayer, patient listening, Bible study, service to others, care for all, outreach, fellowship, and spiritual formation.
We commit ourselves to a life of worship, service, fellowship, education, family ministry, witness, and sacrifice for others in this place, in the world, and to each other. To this mission we pledge our time, talent and treasure and invite all persons to join in our shared ministry.